challenges 4 & 5

When I logged on to post the sewing feats of the day yesterday, I found that Blogger was down and in "read-only" mode. It stayed that way until this afternoon by which time I, and many other bloggers, had said enough choice words to their computer screens that the combined frustrated energy could have powered a small suburb for a day. Nonetheless, we're back and all is again well with the world.

You know, I don’t know what I hate more – shopping for Tiny’s clothes or making them. I can see, for the startled blog reader, that this may represent a bit of an anomaly given my general attraction to making stuff by hand, but it’s true. As I stooped over the ironing board last night, back aching, pinning up a hem, I thought bluntly to myself, “Really, Emma, this is not just boring but it’s painful. Painfully boring.” To which I nodded resignedly, pondering the ramifications of ‘fessing up to this - on the blog - at the end of a week dedicated purely to sewing stuff for the littlies.

Ironically, as I worked away, muttering under my breath, these pants came together more quickly and more easily than anything I’ve embarked on for a while. They are the same pattern as Wednesday’s only smaller, and I started them at 8.30pm last night and was finished by shortly after 9.30pm. Quite the thing, really, although I was too busy grumbling to truly appreciate it.

Despite my ill humour, Teddy graciously agreed to model them for the camera. I should take a lesson in cheerful forbearance from him, actually. Despite pulling his pants up egregiously high under his armpits, he didn’t once utter a word of complaint. Good ol’ Teddy.

Although I think he’s plotting his escape here.

As for today’s effort, I’m afraid I have nothing to show for it. As I lay next to Tiny tonight, demonstrating what it looks like to close your eyes and drift peacefully off to sleep (he seemed to need a little reminder), I plotted all kinds of quick projects with wild fabric combinations that could serve as my final project for the Kid’s Clothing Week Challenge. However, the bit where you actually have to close your eyes (to give full effect to the toddler you are convincing to go to sleep) meant that I spent a bit too much time “demonstrating” and not enough time tiptoeing out of the room and Getting On With Things. Now I’ve run out of oomph and time, so I think we’ll just have to call it a day for KCWC and be proud that Tiny’s wardrobe is now two pairs of pants and one sharp vest larger.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

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