thirty eight

It's my birthday today!

Two things of note happened today to mark the occasion. Firstly, my OTL spoilt me rotten - every meal an extravaganza, flowers, pressies, walks along the river, lots of love. So rotten, in fact, that my expectations of what a day could be like are now completely askew. I'm worried I might throw a tantrum tomorrow morning when things return to normal. It's possible.

Secondly, on waking and realising I am now 38, I immediately decided to adopt an aggressive form of denial so that I don't have to admit to myself that I am now in my "late" thirties. Given I don't feel any different from yesterday, or last year even, I think this is the most reasonable course of action.

I'm particularly pleased to see that I've acquired maturity and wisdom (threatened tantrums and severe denial, as but two examples) with this new year. It augurs well for the days and months to come, don't you think?

Hope you've all had a lovely week.

I'm off to take a tiny smidge of gluten-free rhubarb cobbler and my OTL to bed, ending a lovely, lovely day.


  1. I am late to the party..but..Happy Birthday!
    Thirty eight is a good year. I can actually remember being 38, though I am (Oh, God) nearly 30 years past that milestone. Denial is a good thing and I am still thinking about growing up.
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
    Best to you.

  2. A much deserved day full of spoiling! Gorgeous photo by the way - you are quite a photographer!
